4 Ways We Saved on Food in Europe

4 Ways We Saved on Food in Europe

While we didn’t plan for a European-Vacation-on-the-Cheap, we spend our money very intentionally when we travel. Here is how we are saving money in Greece but still enjoying it to the fullest (Plus our menu this week!).

Our Debt-Free Milestone

Our Debt-Free Milestone

When you are in the thick of it, it’s easy to forget your why.
The truth is, even with goals none of us knows what the future holds. It took us 10 years to buy our home because life punched us in the face around year seven. But you will never regret remembering your Why. You will never regret being smart with your money, or taking care of your body, or eating that salad. You won’t regret making good decisions today.

Save Money & Eat Healthy While Traveling

Save Money & Eat Healthy While Traveling

  One fall, before kids, steady housing, and other adult responsibilities, it was just me and Chris. Our budget was so tight it was suffocating, but we had some cash saved from our wedding. Instead of using our carefully squirreled money on something practical,...